KPI monitoring & profit improvement

Having an outside perspective on your business is invaluable. Sometimes it's just what you need - someone not involved in your business to see the gems and the gremlins.

We are practiced in acting as a sounding board for management, bringing years of experience in business growth to the relationship. Our professional consultants identify the key performance indicators in your business and will help you make the required changes.

Because we at TvA have specifically crafted this service to be "a stand-alone product", TvA does not need to be your tax agent or accountant to deliver this business advisory service.

A Typical Package

  • Meet with decision makers to focus on the financial outcomes from the last 90 days.
  • Analyse business performance.
  • Compare actual against budget. Compare KPI targets against outcome.
  • Use your in-house (normally) accounting systems to create the reports. 
  • Budget verse actual comparison to highlight variances as the year progresses.
  • Profit & Loss report to measure underlying profit as the year unfolds.
  • Statement of cash flows.
  • Set targets for the next 90 days.
  • Develop an action plan.

 Give us a call today to find out more.