Corporate Safeguard Service

Nearly every business or individual leaves an electronic trail or footprint going back years.  Increasingly that electronic trail is available to a third party via the internet, to monitor or check on a business or individual.

A variation of this electronic monitoring is something called data matching, and it is much closer to home than you may realise because the NZ IRD are proficient users of data matching.

The IRD regularly use data matching to check your income tax return against data held online at the Companies Office because there are vital tax elections tied to the status of a director, shareholder and the company location.

The Companies Office and those annual company office returns that can be filed online, by pressing a few buttons, are a rich vein to mine. The IRD know people take shortcuts so eventually IRD data matching will strike tax gold.

Our Corporate Safeguard Service will

  • safeguard your company tax position by vetting possible changes to the shareholding, directors and related tax elections
  • prepare the annual Companies Office Return, for you to check and catch issues before they could become a problem
  • maintain the register of members, register of directors, and the register of resolutions
  • give you access to tax advice to achieve the best tax outcome for you